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Topic title Shelf life of beverages
Format Workshop (face to face)
Workload in h 6 (contact hours)
Target groups Food practitioners and operators, professionals, lecturers, teachers,  students
Language of delivery English
Person responsible Paola Pittia, University of Teramo, Italy
Additional trainers A series of guest speakers invited to contribute with oral contribution and practicals on the several aspects of beverages shelf-life
Previous knowledge expected Food technology, Food quality
Learning outcomes

After successful completion of the activity, the participants:

  1. Will be able to define with objective indices the shelf-life of beverages
  2. Will determine the main factors (processing, environmental, product, packaging) that could contribute to prolong shelf-life of beverages
  3. Will be able to highlight the critical factors that decrease quality of beverages during storage and distribution and to optimize processing and storage conditions to maintain the quality of beverages


  • Shelf-life life concepts and models for prediction and estimation
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic factors of beverages affecting quality of processed products during storage
  • Role of packaging on beverage stability
  • Conventional and innovative actions to improve microbial stability of beverages
  • Modern analytical tools to trace quality and stability of beverages
Teaching method Lectures and groupworks
Recommended reading

GSICA website (packaging and shelf-life)

Others to be included
Criteria & registration

No limitation to number of participants

Fee according to expenses and expected number of participants
Assessment of achievements Multiple choice test
Further information This workshop - SHELF-LIFE OF BEVERAGES state of the art and strategies to enhance quality and safety  took place 31. October 2017, Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

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