1. Contact data
Check any that apply
Alcoholic beverage
Importance of competencies
Very importantImportantModerately importantLow importanceNo answer
Technical skills related to food processing, food technology and other disciplines
Practical skills and expertise
Marketing and commercial skills
ICT - information and communication technolgy - skills, office management
Managerial and business skills. Project planning and management
Communication skills (language, cultural issues, etc)
Food legal knowledge
Behavioural skills (leadership, working in international teams, mediation, conflict management)
ImportantModerately importantLow importance
Technical skills related to food processing, food technology and other disciplines
Practical skills and expertise
Marketing and commercial skills
ICT - information and communication technolgy - skills, office management
Managerial and business skills. Project planning and management
Communication skills (language, cultural issues, etc)
Food legal knowledge
Behavioural skills (leadership, working in international teams, mediation, conflict management)
Check any that apply
Check any that apply
Please add any other comment, recommendation or suggestion, that you consider interesting in relation with the improvement of the qualification of employees in food&drink quality control and safety sector.

On behalf of project team, we would like to thank you for your willingness to participate in the survey!

The data you are providing will be kept by the Consortium until the end of the project.

By clicking "Submit" below, your submission will be sent to BeverageTechnology.Thailand [at] gmail.com